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Keeping A Pet Friendly Home Clean

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If your home is anything like ours, pets are a major part of it.  For those of us that have both a cat and a dog, keeping up with pet hair build-up, trips outside, and staying on top of litter-box duties can feel like a full time job.  What’s worse is our pets bring the outside world into our homes with them, causing dander, odor, and sometimes even fleas to come inside and make themselves at home in our upholstery, pillow coverings, and other comfortable locations.  This can of course be dealt with, but it does take a little planning and preparation.


Set Some Ground Rules



The areas of your home that your dog or cat spend most of their time in will need a little more attention.  Decide where your pet is allowed, and remain consistent in enforcing your rules.  If your dog or cat is allowed on the couch or upholstered furniture, it is wise to choose a microfiber or leather couch that will be easier to clean.  Try to teach your pets to sleep in their own bed if you can.  If your pet sleeps on your bed, ensure that you wash coverlets, quilts or other bed coverings a little more often.

Speaking from experience, it’s important that children understand why the rules are in place, and how important it is for them to follow and enforce them as well.


Bathe or Groom Your Pet Often


Regular grooming helps keep pet hair off the carpet and furniture. Groom your pet outside when possible to minimize airborne particles that can cause allergies.  Bathe a dog every week or two, and use grooming wipes if needed in between baths.


Feed Your Pet On Hard Surfaces


Consider feeding your pets in a utility area or outer room, preferably one with a sink for washing pet dishes and transporting water bowls. It’s important to wash these dishes on a regular basis as well to avoid bacteria and possibly attracting pests.

Avoid feeding your pets on carpeted areas, as it is more difficult to clean. Set food and water bowls inside a large plastic tray to help protect your floor from spills. Cats can be fed on a small table or other elevated surface, rather than on the floor.


Clean Pet Bedding


Choose a bed for your dog or cat that is easy to clean and disinfect regularly. Otherwise, your pet’s bed can become a home to fleas and mites. Wash all bedding possible in hot water and detergent. Many dog and cat beds can be dried in a home dryer, but you can also place them outside to thoroughly dry in the sun as well.


Remove Fur from Your Flooring, Curtains, and Furniture


Remove pet hair from your furniture and drapes with the upholstery tool on your vacuum cleaner. To get hair off blankets, chairs, and other areas where your pet sits, brush the area with your hand while wearing a wet rubber glove. Rinse the glove under the tap, scoop the hair out of the sink, and throw it away.  Rubbing a balloon or latex glove over embedded hair in the carpet makes it stand up with static electricity so it can be vacuumed up more easily.

These tips combined with a cleaning schedule with Sabyl Tech will keep your pet-friendly home a happy one.  Online scheduling is available, or you can call us any time – 309-716-5912

Clean, Restored.